Please make plans to pick up your Apple Hill Pie Fundraiser pies this Friday at 1:00.

Order your holiday pies! Orders and payment due November 8th.

We are moving to an online registration system for the next school year. All forms will be completed online - no more back to school packets. Attached are the steps for completing the online forms. If your student will be attending Browns School next year, please complete the paperwork. Log in to the SchoolWise Parent Portal to complete: https://browns.schoolwise.com/

Help support our local 4-H students!

Jr. Spartan Football/Cheer sign ups!

Please see the attached notice regarding the controlled burn provided by the PG Fire Department.

Join us for our annual Beans and Bingo event!

There will be No School Friday, February 16th or Monday, February 19th.

Brownies with Badges

It's that time of year again - LCAP Survey! As we review this plan, it is imperative that we get meaningful feedback from all educational partners in the district. As parents, you are one of our most important partners and we need your feedback. To help the district in this process, please complete the below survey. The survey closes Friday, February 15th at 5:00 p.m. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Thank you.

Browns School Family Dance - Thursday, February 15th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Join us for a great night - Photo boot, a DJ and snacks!

South Sutter Little League Sign Ups!

Reminders for the week of 12/18

Please join us for our monthly Parent's Club Meeting this Wednesday, December 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the staff room. We will be discussing the upcoming Breakfast with Santa and Holiday Program. Hope to see you all there!

Please join us for a Breakfast with Santa!

We are in the process of developing the 2023/24 LCAP. As we review this plan, it is imperative that we get meaningful feedback from all educational partners in the district. As parents, you are one of our most important partners and we need your honest and constructive feedback. To help the district in this process, please complete the below survey. Thank you.

Breakfast with Santa is this Saturday! Wear your fancy clothes, jammies or fancy jammies! Take this opportunity to get a family picture with Santa. Those who purchase tickets ahead using the cheddar link will be entered to win a door prize. Thank you to those who have already purchased. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Photography by Gea Noel Photography

Mark Your Calendars!!!

John's Day

The Browns School Track Meet is just a couple weeks away! We are so excited to be able to host this event this year. The Track Meet will be Friday, May 20th. Students in 4th-8th grades will have the opportunity to participate.
The Track Meet Snack Bar is one of the biggest fundraisers for our students attending Shady Creek. We are in need of parent volunteers to help make this fundraiser a success. Please visit the sign-up genius if you are willing to help out (volunteer or donations).